



Insights Discovery is a globally recognised psychometric tool inspired by the work of clinical psychologist Carl Jung. It is registered with the British Psychological Society for Occupational Development.

It provides a framework that is simple and impactful, building effective relationships by enabling people to understand themselves and value differences in others. This knowledge is embedded through our interactive workshops providing real personal breakthroughs.

The Benefits of Insights Discovery

  • Increase personal and team effectiveness
  • Enhance client relationships and sales results
  • Develop leadership capabilities
  • Build high-performing, agile, and resilient teams

Your Insights Discovery Personal Profile

Every journey begins with a unique and in-depth personal profile that is an essential development tool, delivering valuable insights. The Foundation Chapter provides the basis to unlock your personal effectiveness, challenge your perceptions and apply learnings to maximise results for your business. It is a complete self-discovery that includes individual strengths, areas for development, communication preferences and suggestions for communicating with others.

Additional chapters can be added depending on your needs:

  • Management: Your leadership style and how you are managed effectively.
  • Effective Selling: Where you excel and how you can develop this to further influence others.
  • Personal Achievement: Personalised learning and development to support your growth.
  • Interview: Generating searching questions to challenge your thinking.
Sunshine Yellow
Sunshine Yellow

Sociable | Dynamic | Demonstrative | Enthusiastic | Persuasive

Earth Green
Earth Green

Caring | Encouraging | Sharing | Patient | Relaxed

Fiery Red
Fiery Red

Competitive | Demanding | Determined | Strong-Willed | Purposeful

Cool Blue
Cool Blue

Cautious | Precise | Deliberate | Questioning | Formal

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Global Praise for Insights Discovery

“Insights Discovery has encouraged thinking about how others instinctively tackle our world”
Head of Audit, International Sales & Marketing, Astra Zeneca

Start your journey of discovery today with The Colour Code

Start your journey of discovery with The Colour Code

Connect with me
Simon Fowler

Linkedi The Colour Code
About Nick

Director of The Colour Code

Nick first fell in love with Insights Discovery in 2013 when he was working in Training and Development for a global healthcare company. He’s been a passionate Trainer and Advocate for Insights Discovery ever since, so when the opportunity came up to deliver Insights Discovery to organisations in New Zealand and establish The Colour Code he jumped at the chance.

Nick is from the UK and spent eight years in Australia working in national/regional training roles before settling in Queenstown where he supports clients in the South Island and Wellington.

Nick blends a preference for Earth Green and Sunshine Yellow energy, which greatly informs his enthusiastic approach to training and his ability to connect with others.

About Simon

Director of The Colour Code

Simon first completed the Insights Discovery programme working at Pfizer almost 20 years ago. He found it invaluable and since then the training has had an ongoing influence on his career. As an Accredited Practitioner Simon has seen Insights Discovery deliver tangible, practical results throughout sales, consultancy and management sectors.

Insights has garnered worldwide success from global corporates right through to small businesses and Simon is excited to introduce this to New Zealand through The Colour Code. He is based in the Bay of Plenty and supports clients in the North Island.

Simon’s Insights Discovery profile shows a preference for Cool Blue and Earth Green energy. This profile explains why he appreciates the accuracy and validity of Insights along with the great results it generates for businesses. He is passionate about how Insights can genuinely help people with different aspects of their lives.